Aquarium Inf

Growing Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis Parvula) In The Aquarium

dwarf hairgrass Eleocharis parvula
GatunekDwarf Hairgrass
Nazywany teżSmall Spikerush
Nazwa łacińskaEleocharis Parvula
Długość5 - 10 cm
Temperatura10 - 29°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard

Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis Parvula)
Nazywany też: Small Spikerush

This is a muddy species. Its natural habitats are swamps and wetlands around the world.

The plant has slim rhizome with green leaves. These leaves look like coniferous blades. The plant develops also lot of runners. The root system is poorly developed. This is hardy and undemanding species. It grows horizontally. It height depends on light intensity. When we want to keep a certain height of the plant we should cut the plant to the desired height before it planting. Then the plant should have this height all the time in the aquarium.

The species should be planted in the foreground or middle of the tank. We can also form lawns with this plant. Then we should plant seedlings in the substrate in a checkerboard pattern at distance of a few centimeters. The plant grows quickly in optimal conditions and it forms dense, green carpets. We can also plant this species in a pot. Then it crawls out from this pot on the substrate.

This species doesn't need additional fertilization but used of carbon dioxide can accelerate it growth. It also doesn't need systematic cutting. This plant prefers clean water. It can cover with algae.

This is spermatophyte species but it develops flowers only above the water surface. In aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by dividing the rhizome or by the runners.