Aquarium Inf

Growing Dwarf Anubias (Anubias Barteri Var. Nana) In The Aquarium

dwarf anubias Anubias barteri var. nana
GatunekDwarf Anubias
Nazwa łacińskaAnubias Barteri Var. Nana
Długość15 cm
Temperatura20 - 30°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
Oświetleniemedium - strong

Dwarf Anubias (Anubias Barteri Var. Nana)

This is a semi-aquatic plant. Its natural habitats are very shallow, temporary reservoirs, ditches or ponds with muddy bottom, wharf of rivers or creeks with variable water level in west Africa.

This plant has short and branching rhizome with rosulate, bottle green leaves. The leaf stems are thick. The leaf blades are elliptical with pointed tips and they are about 8 cm long and 3 cm wide.

This is easy to grow and almost undemanding species. It only needs substrate with layer of peat or clay. It grows slowly and its leaves are often covered with algae. We should systematic clean these leaves. We can't cover up the rhizome with a substrate. We must only cover roots of the plant. The rhizome should loosely adhere to the surface layer of the substrate. Otherwise the rhizome will be rotted.

We should plant this species in the front of the aquarium. We can also arrange it on the porous decorative elements (e.g. roots). We may use this plant for aquarium with herbivore fish because it has hard and strong leaves.

This is spermatophyte species and it can bloom in artificial conditions. In aquarium we reproduce this species vegetatively – by dividing the rhizome.