Aquarium Inf

Growing Pipewort Cinereum (Eriocaulon Cinereum) In The Aquarium

pipewort cinereum Eriocaulon cinereum
Wikipedia/Show_ryu /GNU
GatunekPipewort Cinereum
Nazwa łacińskaEriocaulon Cinereum
Długość5 - 7 cm
Temperatura19 - 29°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard

Pipewort Cinereum (Eriocaulon Cinereum)

This species comes from south-east of Asia. It grows in wetlands, paddy-fields or ditches with shallow water.

This plant has extensive root system and small rhizome. This rhizome stores all nutrients which the plant needs to form new shoots after the dry season or other adverse climatic conditions. This is monocotyledon plant which looks like a clump of grass. The species has very short shoot with rosulate leaves at its base. Whole plant is about 10 cm wide and its colour is intense green. Single flowers develop on the short flower stalk and they create head inflorescences.

This species isn't too popular and it is moderately difficult plant. We need systematic fertilize the substrate and we need to use carbon dioxide. The substrate should be thick and acidic with layer of peat.

The species should be planted in the foreground in the aquarium.

This is spermatophyte plant but in aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively – by dividing the rhizome.