Aquarium Inf

Growing Hornwort (Ceratophyllum Demersum) In The Aquarium

hornwort Ceratophyllum demersum
Nazywany teżCoontail
Nazwa łacińskaCeratophyllum Demersum
Długość80 cm
Temperatura18 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
Podłożeany or as floating plant

Hornwort (Ceratophyllum Demersum)
Nazywany też: Coontail

Natural habitats this species are coasts of ponds, swamps, slow-moving reservoirs, wetlands and floodplains around the world. It can float on the water surface or it takes root in silty bottom.

The plant has delicate, branching and red or green stem with fine, feathery and green leaves. These leaves can be with red tips in strong lighting. The plant doesn't have roots – it has rhizoids. They are filamentous protuberances. So the plant absorbs nutrients and minerals from water and it anchors in the substrate with help these rhizoids. This is an aquatic species and it can be completely submerged.

This is delicate plant but it is relatively easy to grow. The plant grows quickly, sometimes we need to cut too high stems. It prefers clean water with systematic partial water changes and scattered lighting.

We should plant it at the back of the aquarium in groups of several pieces. We can also use this plant as floating plant or we can arrange it on the porous decorative elements. The species absorbs calcium compounds from water so we shouldn't plant it in aquarium with very hard water. It can also inhibit the growth of algae. Leaves of the plant are perfect hideout for fry and shy fish and they are gnawing by herbivorous fish.

This is spermatophyte species. It can bloom in aquarium but we reproduce it vegetatively – by seedlings from cut stems.