Aquarium Inf

Growing Broadleaf Arrowhead (Sagittaria Platyphylla) In The Aquarium

broadleaf arrowhead Sagittaria platyphylla
Wikimedia/Show_ryu /GNU
GatunekBroadleaf Arrowhead
Nazywany teżDelta Arrowhead
Nazwa łacińskaSagittaria Platyphylla
Długość5 - 50 cm
Temperatura18 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
Oświetleniemedium - strong
Podłożefertile z dodatkiem gliny

Broadleaf Arrowhead (Sagittaria Platyphylla)
Nazywany też: Delta Arrowhead

Broadleaf Arrowhead, Delta Arrowhead, Duck Potato, Indian Potato, Wapato, White Potato, Swamp Potato, Swan Potato

The floating arrowhead is an aquatic plant that, in natural conditions, covers practically all shallow bodies of standing and slowly flowing water in North America: canals, drainage ditches, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, marshes. In natural conditions, it reaches impressive sizes - up to 150 cm.

Morphologically, this species appears in a submerged form (only underwater leaves) or in an emersed form (it also produces overwater leaves). The overwater leaves are oval-lanceolate and/or narrow with pointed tips, they grow on stems with a triangular cross-section. They can reach up to 25 cm in length and 10 cm in width. The underwater leaves are long (up to 50 cm), narrow, ribbon-shaped, and grow rosette directly from the tuberous rhizome. The plant's color is green. The submerged form may not produce overwater leaves for many years, until conditions are suitable for this (warm, shallow, slowly moving water, muddy substrate).

This is a very decorative species, which looks best on the second or third plane, as well as planted on the sides of the aquarium. In the foreground, it can be arranged for a spectacular lawn effect (it then requires systematic trimming). We plant the plant in groups with intervals of 5-7 cm between successive seedlings.

The plant quickly spreads forming dense carpets. It is not demanding in terms of water parameters. The situation is different with lighting - we avoid shaded places.

A seed plant that only flowers above water - it has small, delicate, white flowers. Its seeds can float on the water's surface for several weeks before they sink and germinate. The stimulus for germinating seeds is the appropriate amount of light. In the aquarium, it is propagated vegetatively - by means of runners or by dividing the rhizome.