Aquarium Inf

Growing Brazilian Pennywort (Hydrocotyle Leucocephala) In The Aquarium

brazilian pennywort Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Wikimedia/Wouter Hagens /GNU
GatunekBrazilian Pennywort
Nazywany teżPennywort
Nazwa łacińskaHydrocotyle Leucocephala
Długość5 - 20 cm
Temperatura18 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard

Brazilian Pennywort (Hydrocotyle Leucocephala)
Nazywany też: Pennywort

Brazilian Pennywort, Pennywort, White-headed Marsh Pennywort, Coin Plant, Marsh Penny, Water Pennywort, Indian pennywort, Brazilian water ivy, Penny wort, Bread and Butter Plant, Artillery Plant.

The Roundleaf Toothcup grows naturally in swampy and marshy areas in Central and South America. It is an edible plant used in herbal medicine and as a culinary spice.

The plant is characterized by round, fringed green leaves that grow singly at nodes on fairly delicate and twisted stems. At each node, a small root system also develops. This species resembles the Lyrata Cress (Cardamine Lyrata), but the latter does not have a tendency to climb towards the surface of the water.

This species can be rooted in the substrate or used as a floating plant. If we choose the first option, we should group it (cuttings every 2.5-5 cm) in the middle or background. It also looks great arranged on a decorative element - a stone, rock, or root. The plant always strives for the water surface (it climbs upwards like ivy) - hence its appearance and size (stem length) depends on the depth. On reaching the surface of the tank, the leaves are larger, darker, and the plant begins to grow rapidly (branch out) and can flower.

This is an undemanding species that tolerates a wide range of temperatures, hardness and pH of water. It is also not picky about lighting intensity. Therefore, it is recommended for beginner aquarists. Carbon dioxide fertilization is not mandatory, but it improves plant growth. Yellowing leaves at the edges may indicate an iron deficiency. The plant is eagerly eaten by herbivorous fish, especially mollies.

This seed plant (white, fluffy flowers only develop above the water surface), which in the aquarium is propagated vegetatively - using apical cuttings or cuttings from lateral shoots.