Aquarium Inf

Growing Armoracia Aquatica (Armoracia Aquatica) In The Aquarium

armoracia aquatica Armoracia aquatica
GatunekArmoracia Aquatica
Nazwa łacińskaArmoracia Aquatica
Długość10 - 15 cm
Temperatura18 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard

Armoracia Aquatica (Armoracia Aquatica)

This is a semi-aquatic species. Its natural habitats are wetlands, floodplains or wharf of rivers and lakes in eastern North America (humid subtropical and temperate climates).

This plant has long and strong stem. There is wide, arranged opposite in pairs leaves with different shape on the stem. The leaf blade can be ovate with smooth margins, elliptic with sinuate margins or pinnatisect with serrated margins. Shape of the leaves depends on age of the plant, its degree of immersion in water (partially or completely submerged) and light intensity. The plant blooms late spring or early summer. Then white and fine flowers appear on the stem. In aquarium this plant looks like a little bit different than in its natural environment. In aquarium the stem is poorly formed and leaves grown rosulate and they create a dense clump.

This species is undemanding and resistant to environmental changes.

It should be planted in the foreground in the aquarium.

This is spermatophyte species but in the tank we reproduce it vegetatively - by seedlings from cut stems (if these stems will develop) or by plantlets (formations of miniaturized plant on the parent plant).