Aquarium Inf

Breeding Threadfin Rainbowfish (Iriatherina Werneri) In The Aquarium

threadfin rainbowfish Iriatherina Werneri
GatunekThreadfin Rainbowfish
Nazywany teżFeatherfin Rainbowfish
Nazwa łacińskaIriatherina Werneri
WystępowanieAustralia i Oceania
Długość4 - 5 cm
Temperatura23 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH5.5 - 7.5
Zbiornik60 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Threadfin Rainbowfish (Iriatherina Werneri)
Nazywany też: Featherfin Rainbowfish

Threadfin Rainbowfish, Featherfin Rainbowfish, Werner's Rainbowfish


Freshwater fish, which naturally inhabit slow-flowing rivers, streams, brooks, wetlands, and marshes with rich vegetation in the regions of New Guinea and Australia.

Physical appearance

The fish is characterised by a longitudinal, laterally flattened body. Its colors are gray-silver on the upper body and yellow-orange on the lower body. The species has a double dorsal fin. The tail fin is reddish with lighter segments in the middle. The lower fins and the elongated rays of the second dorsal fin are black. The fish has a small mouth, so the food must be properly crushed. The male is more vividly colored than the female, and the rays of his second dorsal fin and anal fin are longer.


A peaceful and quiet fish, which should not be kept with aggressive, very active or fin-nipping fish. This species will not compete for food, thus the best companions for them will be: other rainbowfish, Microdevario kubotai, Gertrude's blue-eyes, black stripe barbs, small rasboras, pygmy corydoras, small species of Otocinclus fish, shrimp. It is a schooling fish, which thrives best in a larger group of 6-12 fish (with a predominance of females). Then the fish are less shy, actively swim and beautifully color.

rainbow fish


The aquarium should be densely planted with small-leaved plants, with floating vegetation (species with long dangling roots are particularly recommended). A free swimming space should not be lacking either. The light should be scattered, the water well oxygenated. A tight cover of the tank is required - this species is very jumpy. Never introduce fish to a chemically unstable tank, they are very sensitive to fluctuations in water parameters. Regular replacement of part of the water (about 25% weekly) is necessary.


The species is oviparous. We can stimulate the fish to spawn by raising the water temperature slightly. The readiness of the fish to reproduce can be recognized by the vivid colors of the male and female. These rainbowfish prefer to reproduce among the roots of floating plants or plants with delicate and small leaves. We can breed them in a general aquarium (hideouts for fry are necessary) or in a separate breeding tank (with soft and acidic water, in which case we systematically remove the laid eggs). Courting precedes spawning. The female lays small eggs in batches for several days. Hatching takes place after about 10 days. Parents do not care for offspring, on the contrary, they can eat them.