Aquarium Inf

Breeding Striped Headstander (Anostomus Anostomus) In The Aquarium

striped headstander Anostomus anostomus
Wikipedia/Brian Gratwicke /CC BY 2.0
GatunekStriped Headstander
Nazywany teżBanded Anostomus
Nazwa łacińskaAnostomus Anostomus
WystępowanieAmeryka Południowa
Długość18 cm
Temperatura22 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 7.5
Zbiornik100 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry, plant

Striped Headstander (Anostomus Anostomus)
Nazywany też: Banded Anostomus

Striped Headstander, Banded Anostomus, Striped Anostomus, Stripe-fin Mouthbrooder, Sawmouth Stickfish, Banded Leporinus, Striped Headstanding Fish


A freshwater species that naturally inhabits the main courses of the Amazon and Orinoco, as well as their fast-flowing tributaries in Brazil, Peru, Venezuela and Guyana. The habitats occupied are characterized by shallow water, rocky soil and/or shoreline, rich in algae and invertebrates.


The fish is characterized by an elongated, slightly corpulent body, with a small head, which is shaped like a sharpened pencil. The fish's mouth is small and pointed upwards. The body is brown-graphite in color, with four thin, yellow-cream stripes running along the sides. All fins are reddish. The female is slightly larger and more rounded in the belly areas.


This is quite a peaceful fish, but it can nibble on the fins of veil varieties. In the natural environment, it swims in large shoals, but a hierarchy is established within the species and when the aquarium is too small, the fish harass each other. Towards other species, it is quite shy, so we should avoid aggressive fish. Due to its size, we should keep it with companions of appropriate size - smaller ones may be eaten. This species also feeds on algae.


The lovable slant prefers spacious aquariums, with numerous hiding places among plants (fish can eat plants with delicate and soft leaves), roots, rocks and stones, with a darker substrate. They also feel good in tanks configured to resemble their natural habitat: sandy substrate, stacks of stones creating crevices, branches protruding above the water surface. Water flow should be quite large, water well oxygenated, lighting strong. A tight cover for the aquarium is necessary - the fish are very jumpy, effective filtration and regular partial water changes.


An oviparous species, whose reproduction is not an easy task - mainly due to the difficulty of obtaining females. We separate females and males before spawning, feeding them generously with diverse and live food. The breeding aquarium should be large with slightly acidic water, medium hardness at a temperature of about 26-28ºC. After moving fish, we darken the tank. The fish reproduce in pairs, just below the water surface. We catch the parents after laying and fertilizing the eggs - they eat the roe.