Aquarium Inf

Breeding Rathbun's Bloodfin (Aphyocharax Rathbuni) In The Aquarium

rathbun's bloodfin Aphyocharax rathbuni
FishBase/© P. Hoffmann, M. Hoffmann
GatunekRathbun's Bloodfin
Nazywany teżRathbun Bloodfin
Nazwa łacińskaAphyocharax Rathbuni
WystępowanieAmeryka Południowa
Długość4,5 cm
Temperatura20 - 26°C
Twardość wodybardzo soft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 7.5
Zbiornik60 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Rathbun's Bloodfin (Aphyocharax Rathbuni)
Nazywany też: Rathbun Bloodfin

Rathbun's Bloodfin, Rathbun Bloodfin, Redflank Blood Characin, Blood Characin, Dwarf Tetra, Pristella Tetra


A freshwater species that naturally inhabits sections of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers, their tributaries, floodplains in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. These are shaded sections, with a rich vegetation, sandy substrate, with a slow current.

External Appearance of Rathbun's Tetra

The fish is characterized by an olive-blue body color, with a silvery sheen and a reddish belly in the part from its middle to the base of the caudal fin. Unlike the red tetra, this area extends up to the lateral line of the fish. The anal and tail fins are transparent-red, the other fins are transparent. The species has a visible adipose fin. The female is thicker in the belly areas, while the first rays of the male's anal fin are transformed into so-called partner hooks, which allow the female to be held during breeding. The male is also more colored, and after reaching sexual maturity, the tips of all his fins become whitish, and over time a blackish stripe appears on the anal and dorsal fin.


This is an active, calm species, which however nibbles the fins of veiled fish. Definitely schooling, which feels best in a larger group - a minimum of 6 individuals. A hierarchy is established in the group, in which the male always dominates. The fish swims in the upper and middle water areas. It is quite resistant and easy to breed, so it can be recommended for beginner aquarists. In the aquarium, we can keep it with other small species of characins, catfish, small armored catfish.


Rathbun's tetra prefers spacious aquariums, longer than higher, with open spaces for free swimming, numerous hiding places among dense vegetation, roots, twisted branches, with a sandy substrate. Essential dimmed and scattered lighting (the addition of floating plants will make this task easier), tight covering of the aquarium (fish are very jumpy), effective filtration and systematic water changes. A darker aquarium arrangement will cause the fish to color beautifully.


An oviparous species. It is best to breed these fish in a separate breeding aquarium with clumps of plants with soft and small leaves, slightly acidic, very soft water, without lighting. We stimulate the fish to spawn by raising the temperature to the upper limit of the range and feeding them abundantly with live food. In the evening, we move the most colorful male and the thickest female to the breeding tank. Spawning should take place the next day in the morning hours, after intensive courting. The female lays up to 200 eggs among the plants. After spawning, we remove the parents as soon as possible - they do not care for the roe, and can even eat it. Larvae hatch after a day, after another 4-5 the fry swims in search of food. It's worth noting that the fry in the first few weeks moves sluggishly, even remains motionless, as if dead, and lies on its back.