Aquarium Inf

Breeding Tiger Barb (Puntius Tetrazona Syn. Barbus Tetrazona) In The Aquarium

tiger barb Puntius tetrazona syn. Barbus tetrazona
GatunekTiger Barb
Nazywany teżSumatra Barb
Nazwa łacińskaPuntius Tetrazona Syn. Barbus Tetrazona
WystępowanieSumatra, Borneo, Thailand
Długość7 cm
Temperatura20 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.5 - 7.0
Zbiornik60 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry, plant

Tiger Barb (Puntius Tetrazona Syn. Barbus Tetrazona)
Nazywany też: Sumatra Barb


This fish lives in a big shoal, in the middle to lower part of the water level, in a reservoir with gentle currents or without any current at all.

Body description

The color of the female`s body is olive-yellow and male`s is olive-pink. Their bodies also have a silvery shine. This colors are more intense during the spawn season. Male’s fins are pinkish, female’s fins are clear. There is a dark spot on the base of the caudal fin. Females are smaller than males. For your home aquarium this fish has been breed to have longer fins.

Temperament and behaviour

These fish are active, friendly, and peaceful. They can nibble long, flowing fins of other tank residents.

Aquarium decoration

This fish likes a spacious tanks with many plants, many places to hide, and space to swim. Dark substrate will cause the colour of the fish to be brighter. But this species likes to disturb the substrate, so it should be fine and soft. A partial water changes should be made regularly.


This is oviparous species. You can breed these fish in the general tank or in a separate aquarium. Female spreads the egs randomly (up to hundreds eggs) among plants. The parents don’t take care for they offspring and they may eat the eggs. So, you should remove them after the spawning. The eggs hatch after one day. The fry starts swimming and eat food 2 days later.