Aquarium Inf

Breeding Arulius Barb (Puntius Tambraparniei) In The Aquarium

arulius barb Puntius tambraparniei©
GatunekArulius Barb
Nazwa łacińskaPuntius Tambraparniei
Długość10 cm
Temperatura19 - 25°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 8.0
Zbiornik100 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry, plant

Arulius Barb (Puntius Tambraparniei)


This species lives in the central part of the Tambarabarani River in India in its riverbed and tributaries.

Body description

Colour of the body is pink-beige which become more intense with age to finally become blue-reddish. This fish has clearly visible dark lateral line and 4 irregular dark spots. The caudal and anal fins are reddish. Female is larger, thicker and less colorful than male. The rays of the male's dorsal fin gets longer with age. Male has a white rash on the mouth and and around it which appears during the spawning season. This species is still being confused with Puntius arulinus (earlier it was described as a subspecies of Puntius arulinus). These two species differ primarily in length of the barbels and shape of the dorsal fin. Arulius Barb has longer barbels and elongated dorsal fin (it creates so-called plume).

Temperament and behavior

This is an active, friendly, peaceful, and shoal fish. Fish prefers to live in a group of 5-10 minimum and in that group fish are less shy, have brighter colors, and any aggressive behaviors spread equally within the group. It is very live and greedy for food fish. This species doesn't nibble fins of other fish. It may be kept with other peaceful fish like other barbs, rasboras, botias or danios.

Aquarium decoration

This barbs prefer a spacious tanks. The aquarium should have places to hide among roots, rocks, plants, and space to swim. Dark substrate and bright light cause the body of the fish to be more colorful. This species is sensitive to water conditions. You need an effective filtration system and a systematic partial water changes.


This is an oviparous species. Breeding should be made in a separate tank. Aquarium should have fine-leaved plants, soft water, neutral pH, increased water temperature, dimmed light. You may use a fish hatchery too. Several weeks before spawning you should separate males from females and feed them with plenty of food. The thickest female and most colorful male should be then transferred to the breeding tank in the evening. They should spawn next day in the morning after vehement courtships. Female spreads eggs among plants and male immediately fertilizes them. You have to remove the parents after laying the roe because they eat the eggs. The eggs hatch after 1-2 days. The fry starts swimming and feeding one day later.