Aquarium Inf

Breeding X-Ray Tetra (Pristella Maxillaris) In The Aquarium

x-ray tetra Pristella maxillaris
Wikipedia/Debivort /GNU
GatunekX-Ray Tetra
Nazywany teżGolden Pristella
Nazwa łacińskaPristella Maxillaris
WystępowanieSouth America
Długość4,5 cm
Temperatura22 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
pH6.0 - 7.5
Zbiornik60 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

X-Ray Tetra (Pristella Maxillaris)
Nazywany też: Golden Pristella


This freswater species lives in tributaries and estuaries of Amazon and Orinoco Rivers (streams, creeks, floodplains, wetlands).

Body description

Colour of the body is silvery-gold, semi-translucent. You can see spine of the fish. There is a small, dark spot behind the gill covers. The caudal fin is forked and has orange-red color. The dorsal fin has 3 horizontal stripes yellow, black and white – from base to top of the dorsal fin. The anal fin is wide with elongated first rays. These rays have the same colors as the dorsal fin. The pelvic fins have blackish dot. The fat fin is clear. The species has Weberian apparatus. This system amplifies the sound waves which the fish can pick up. There is also albino variant of this fish. It often is called gold variant. Female is a bit larger and thicker in the ventral parts compared to the male.

Temperament and behaviour

This peaceful species. It is recommended for the beginner aquarists. It is hard and resistant to changes in water temperature and fluctuations in its quality. Fish prefers to live in a group of 6 minimum. Single fish or small group of the fish are shy and timid and they hide among plants almost all the time. This species prefers to swim in the middle and at the bottom of the water level. These fish are friendly, non-aggressive, active and inquisitive. You should keep these fish with similar size and temperament species e.g. corydoras, gupies, gouramies, swordtails, pencilfish, tetras, botias, small catfish, rasboras, angelfish and shrimps.

Aquarium decoration

You can keep these fish in a general tank or biotope aquarium. The general tank should include plants on the sides and at the back, space to swim, dark decorative elements among roots, stones, dark and fine substrate, dimmed light. The biotope aquarium should include sandy substrate, twisted branches and roots, floating pieces of wood, dry leaves of oak, beech or tropical almond (Terminalia catappa). Colour of the water should be similar to „light tea”, so you should add peat to a filtration system. This species quickly adjusts to new conditions of the environment.


This is an oviparous species. You should breed these fish in a separate tank. The breeding aquarium should include very soft and acidic water with 27-29°C water temperature, plants with soft and fine leaves, mops or fish hatchery. Colour of the water should be „light tea”, so you should add peat to the filtration system. You don’t need light. The fish spawn in group or in pairs. You could also separate males from females before spawning. You need to feed them with plenty of live food. You transfer the most colourful male and the thickest female to the breeding tank in the evening. They should spawn next day in the morning. Female spreads eggs among plants or mops (up to 300-400 eggs). Male immediately fertilizes them. You should remove the parents after spawning. The eggs hatch after 1-1,5 days. The fry starts swimming and feeding 3-4 days later. The roe and fry are sensitive to light in the initial period.