Aquarium Inf

Breeding Penguin Tetra (Thayeria Obliqua) In The Aquarium

penguin tetra Thayeria obliqua
FishBase/© P. Hoffmann, M. Hoffmann
GatunekPenguin Tetra
Nazywany teżHockey Stick Tetra
Nazwa łacińskaThayeria Obliqua
WystępowanieAmeryka Południowa
Długość7,5 cm
Temperatura23 - 28°C
Twardość wodymedium hard
pH6.0 - 7.0
Zbiornik80 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Penguin Tetra (Thayeria Obliqua)
Nazywany też: Hockey Stick Tetra

Penguin Tetra, Hockey Stick Tetra, Penguin Fish


This freshwater species inhabits the middle stretches of the Amazon and Rio Tocantins rivers, as well as the Rio Guaporé - their tributaries, interconnected streams and brooks. These waters are characterized by abundant riparian vegetation.


The Thayeria genus currently includes three species: Thayeria boehlkei (Amazon hockey stick fish), Thayeria ifati, and the described species (the fourth Thayeria sanctaemariae species has been recognized as a synonym for Thayeria obliqua). All can be distinguished by a black stripe running along the sides of the fish. The Amazon hockey stick fish has the longest stripe that runs through the lower lobe of the tail fin, along the lateral line to the gill covers, and the Thayeria ifati has a slightly shorter stripe running diagonally through the lower lobe of the tail fin to the first rays of the dorsal fin. The stripe in the described species is the shortest and either runs only through the lower lobe of the tail fin, or runs diagonally through the lower lobe of the tail fin to the point where the dorsal fin ends, or runs through the lower lobe of the tail fin, along the side line and ends under the last rays of the dorsal fin. The short striped hockey stick fish has a olive-gray color and shines silver. The species has a visible adipose fin. The female is slightly larger and rounder in the belly area, the male is more brightly colored.


This is a calm, active fish that lives in large schools in nature. Therefore, in the aquarium, we should have a group of these fish composed of at least 6 individuals. The fishes are then less stressed, the males display their best colors competing for the attention of females, and any undesirable behaviors (e.g. fin nipping) are reduced. This species is also characterized by the typical underwater swimming style for this genus - at an angle of 45º, with the head pointing upwards, and prefers the middle and upper parts of the water in the aquarium.


This species can be kept in a community or biotope aquarium mimicking the dark waters of the Amazon. In the first case, the tank should contain a large amount of plants planted at the back and sides, floating plants, free spaces for swimming, dark substrate, decorative elements in the form of roots, twisted branches, smooth stones. In the second case, we equip the biotope tank with a sandy substrate, drifting pieces of wood, dried oak or beech leaves on the bottom (remember to replace them every few weeks), roots. To color the water, you can add peat to the filter or hang it directly in the water after securing it, for example, in a bag made of sterile gauze. The light should be scattered, plants are not required. Fish are sensitive to water quality and sudden changes in its parameters. Therefore, regular water changes are necessary. The aquarium should have a tight cover.


This species is oviparous. The female lays brown eggs in open water, above the substrate, which fall to the bottom. Parents do not care for the offspring, they eat the eggs and fry. Larvae hatch after about a day, and after a few more days they swim freely in search of food.