Aquarium Inf

Breeding Niger Tetra (Arnoldichthys Spilopterus) In The Aquarium

niger tetra Arnoldichthys Spilopterus
Wikipedia/Haplochromis /CC 3.0
GatunekNiger Tetra
Nazywany teżArnold's Tetra
Nazwa łacińskaArnoldichthys Spilopterus
Rodzinaafrican tetras
Długość10 cm
Temperatura23 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 7.5
Zbiornik150 L
Pokarmany: dry, frozen, live

Niger Tetra (Arnoldichthys Spilopterus)
Nazywany też: Arnold's Tetra

Niger Tetra, Arnold's Tetra, Red-eyed Arnoldi, Silver-tail Tetra, Arnoldi, Spotted Arnoldi


This species is endemic to the Niger River and its basin in Africa. It inhabits waters that are colored by tannins. Multilamprologus multifasciatus are on the red list of endangered species.


The body is elongated, olive-brown with a yellow stripe running along the lateral line and a lighter underside. The iris of the eye is orange-yellow from the top. The dorsal and anal fins have black spots with a light margin. The caudal fin in the middle part has a black stripe, edged in white. A healthy fish, properly fed, shines with the colors of the rainbow. Males are slightly slimmer and more colorful than females. Additionally, they have distinct yellow-black stripes on the anal fin - in females, there is only a black spot.


Very peaceful, yet active fish. It should be kept in larger groups - a minimum of 8 individuals. Then it is less shy, and males display their best colors. It can be kept in a community tank with other alestiidae, small species of armored catfish and Synodontis catfish, cichlids. We avoid aggressive fish or those who do not like energetic swimmers. A hardy species.


The aquarium should be longer than it is high. It should be equipped with roots and branches, smooth stones, plants, open spaces for free swimming. On the bottom of the tank you can put dried beech or oak leaves, which will give a gentle coloration to the water (the leaves should be replaced every few weeks). You can also use filtration with the addition of peat.


An oviparous species. The fish should be bred in a separate tank with bunches of plants with delicate leaves, dimmed light, slightly acidic and soft water. We stimulate them to spawn by feeding them abundantly with live food. The chosen pair (the fattest female and the most colorful male) are transferred to the breeding aquarium. Spawning is preceded by intense courtship of the male - he swims around the female, his whole body trembling. The fish descend to the bottom, facing each other sideways. The male constantly trembles, and the female spawns in the open water column - up to 1000 eggs. The eggs sink to the bottom. We catch the parents - they do not care for their offspring, they eat eggs and fry. Larvae hatch after about 1.5 days, after another day the fry swim freely in search of food.