Aquarium Inf

Breeding Pyjama Catfish (Mystus Tengara) In The Aquarium

pyjama catfish Mystus tengara
Wikimedia/Priyankar Chakraborty /CCA 4.0
GatunekPyjama Catfish
Nazywany teżTengara Mystus
Nazwa łacińskaMystus Tengara
Długość18 cm
Temperatura22 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.5 - 7.5
Zbiornik100 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Pyjama Catfish (Mystus Tengara)
Nazywany też: Tengara Mystus


This freshwater species lives in slow-flowing rivers and ponds with sandy and muddy bottom in densely overgrown lowland India.

Body description

This species often is confused with Mystus vittatus. Colours of both species are very similar but Mystus vittatus is smaller than this species and it has visible furrow on the head. Their colour is brown-olive with light under-side. There is a visible lateral line on the sides of the fish. There are also 2 horizontal, dark-light-dark stripes above and below the lateral line. There is also a dark spot with light border behind the gill covers. All fins are clear. The first ray of the dorsal fin is transformed into defensive spike. The species has big and visible fat fin. The caudal fin is forked. Body of the fish is elongated, without scales. The species has 4 pairs of barbels where external jaw barbels are very long and white. The mandibular barbels are white too. Male is larger and thinner than female. He has also sharp dorsal fin. Female's dorsal fin is round.

Temperament and behaviour

This species is active at night and day. It is peaceful, friendly and it prefers to swim at the bottom water level. It can eat small fish. It can also change its colour for protection reason – this feature is called mimicry.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers a spacious tank. Aquarium should have a lot of hiding-places among roots, stones caves, dimmed light, a lot of plants on the sides and at the back of the aquarium and dark and soft substrate.


This is an oviparous species. It often spawns in the aquarium but the roe is very sensitive and it dies very fast. The spawning takes place among plants. Male takes care for the eggs and larvae. This species is mainly imported.