Aquarium Inf

Breeding Auratus Cichlid (Melanochromis Auratus) In The Aquarium

auratus cichlid Melanochromis auratus
Wikipedia/Przemysław Malkowski + Vlad Butsky /CC BY-SA 3.0
GatunekAuratus Cichlid
Nazywany teżGolden Mbuna
Nazwa łacińskaMelanochromis Auratus
WystępowanieAfrican lakes
Długość12 cm
Temperatura22 - 27°C
Twardość wodymedium hard
pH7.5 - 8.5
Zbiornik150 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, plant

Auratus Cichlid (Melanochromis Auratus)
Nazywany też: Golden Mbuna


This freshwater species lives in Malawi Lake.

Body description

Body of the fish is elongated and a bit laterally compressed. Colour of the male is graphite-navy blue with blue shine. There are 2 light, horizontal stripes on the sides of the male's body. Colour of the female and young fish is yellow-gold. There are dark, horizontal stripes with white borders on the sides of the fish. Female is smaller than male.

Temperament and behaviour

This is shoal, active and friendly species. These fish are territorial towards each other and other species – especially males have strong instinct of belonging to their designated areas. They also fight for dominance all the time. You should keep these fish with similar size and temperament species e.g. other mouth-brooders from Mbuna group of cichlids.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers a spacious tank. The aquarium should include plants, a lot of hiding-places among rocks, stones, caves. This species is very sensitive to changes of water pH. It dies in slightly acidic water. The substrate and water must be clean.


This is an oviparous species. The fish spawn in a group of single male and few females. Female lays tens eggs on a stone or rock. Male immediately fertilizes them. Then female collects the roe in her mouth and she keeps the eggs in mouth for up to 4 weeks. She eats normally in this time. when the offspring leaves mother mouth you need to feed them too. Female still protects the offspring for a few days. She will collect the offspring into her mouth in case of the danger.