Aquarium Inf

Breeding Spotted Hoplo (Megalechis Thoracata) In The Aquarium

spotted hoplo Megalechis thoracata
GatunekSpotted Hoplo
Nazywany teżHoplo Cat
Nazwa łacińskaMegalechis Thoracata
WystępowanieSouth America
Długość20 cm
Temperatura20 - 24°C
Twardość wodymedium hard
pH7.0 - 7.5
Zbiornik100 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Spotted Hoplo (Megalechis Thoracata)
Nazywany też: Hoplo Cat


This freshwater species lives in slow-flowing rivers, tributaries, river deltas, standing reservoirs, morasses with low water level and oxygen-poor water in Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela, Trinidad and Paraguay.

Body description

Colour of the body is gray-brown with dark spots. These spots are oval and they are more visible along the lateral line. There are 2 rows of defensive bony plates on the sides. All fins are clear with dark dots. This species has 2 pairs of barbels on the chin. The fish can breathe atmospheric air with help of the intestine. Sex of the fish can be recognised when they are sexually matured. Male is larger than female. His pectoral fins are thicker compared to female’s pectoral fins. Male has red-rusty under-side and his pectoral fins are elongated and spike at the tip. Female’s pectoral fins are small and dark.

Temperament and behaviour

This species is usually active at night and you should feed them then. The fish is inquisitive, peaceful and quiet. It likes to dig in the substrate. It adjusts quickly to new conditions of the environment and is resistant to the changes of the water parameters and increase in the amount of nitrates in water. These fish can live on its own or in a group and they may eat small species.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers aquarium with clean water, effective filtration system. The tank should have soft and fine substrate, a lot of plants on the sides, hiding-places among roots, stones and rocks.


This is an oviparous species which reaches sexual maturity after 1 year. This fish breeds during the rainy season in nature, so you should stimulate the fish to spawn by frequent partial water changes with colder water or putting into the tank yellow decorative elements. Male and female build a bubble nest on the open water surface in the center of their territory. This nest protects the eggs against predators, drying and hypoxic. Fish start to spawn after courtships in one day. Insemination takes place in characteristic „T-position”. Female swims up to male’s genital opening, swallows his sperm and falls to the bottom. She is there for about 60 seconds and then she swims to the nest, turns upside down and lays portion of eggs. The cycle is repeated until female lays all eggs. Male protects the nest and he can be aggressive towards female. You should remove female after spawning. The eggs hatch after 2-4 days. The fry starts to swim and feed 4 days later.