Aquarium Inf

Breeding Red Zebra (Maylandia Estherae) In The Aquarium

red zebra Maylandia estherae
GatunekRed Zebra
Nazywany teżEsther Grant's Zebra
Nazwa łacińskaMaylandia Estherae
Długość14 cm
Temperatura24 - 28°C
Twardość wodymedium hard - hard
pH7.5 - 8.5
Zbiornik100 L
Pokarmplant, live, frozen, dry

Red Zebra (Maylandia Estherae)
Nazywany też: Esther Grant's Zebra


This freshwater fish lives in rocky areas of Niasa Lake (Malawi Lakes) in Africa. Classification of the fish isn’t clear. It was known under the Latin name Pseudotropheus Estherae in the past. Now this fish is classified as Maylandia Estherae or Metriaclima Estherae. The common name of this fish is red zebra cichlid.

Body description

Colour of the male is blue. There are transverse, dark, visible stripes on the sides of the fish. There is also few variants of this fish e.g. orange-red or yellow. Male has few light dots on the tip of the anal fin. Colour of the female usually is orange-red or yellow. She is smaller than male. Colour of the offspring is the same as female's.

Temperament and behaviour

This species likes to nibble plants and it digs in the substrate. It is medium aggressive and territorial fish. You should not overfeed these fish. You should skip one meal once in a while and you should limit amount of food rich in protein.

Aquarium decoration

You need large aquarium for group of males but you should have 2-3 females for every male. The fish likes a spacious tank – longer than higher. Aquarium should have a lot of hiding-places among rocks, stones, caves, soft and fine substrate, space to swim, plants with hard and bitter taste leaves e.g. plants of baldellia genus, anubias genus or microsorum genus. This species is sensitive to accumulation of the nitrates. You need an effective filtration system and systematic partial water changes.


This is an oviparous species which breeds very easy. The fish spawn in the male’s territory. Male lures female with his colors and spreads his fins. Female lays eggs and she immediately collects them in her mouth. She swims to male’s anal fin and trying to collect his light spots at his tip of the anal fin (these spots look like the eggs). Then she swallows his sow-thistle. Female retreats to the secure place after fertilization. Incubation of the eggs in her mouth takes 3 weeks. Offspring in amount of 30 leaves female's mouth and you must start to feed them then. The fry grows fast and female takes care for the fry for few days.