Aquarium Inf

Breeding Paradise Fish (Macropodus Opercularis) In The Aquarium

paradise fish Macropodus opercularis
GatunekParadise Fish
Nazywany teżParadise Gouramis
Nazwa łacińskaMacropodus Opercularis
Długość8 - 10 cm
Temperatura16 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.5 - 8.0
Zbiornik60 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Paradise Fish (Macropodus Opercularis)
Nazywany też: Paradise Gouramis


This freshwater species lives in small, warm lakes, ponds, ditches or paddy-fields.

Body description

This species has extra auxiliary respiratory organ known as labyrinth organ. This organ allows fish to breathe atmospheric air, so they can live in oxygen-poor water. Colour of the fish is variable from gray, brown to red with blue-green, transverse stripes on the sides of the fish. The caudal and pelvic fins are red with beautiful, sapphire dots. There is a dark spot on the gill covers. There is a lot of variants of this fish which differ in colours and shape of their fins. Male is more colourful and larger than female. He has sharp fins.

Temperament and behaviour

Temperament of these fish varies. You may be lucky and get peaceful fish or you may get an aggressive fish. These fish are territorial and they fight with each other for their designated areas during the spawning season. You should keep these fish in single species aquarium because you don't know what temperament the fish will have. You must cover the tank so your fish do not jump out.

Aquarium decoration

The aquarium should include a lot of plants, floating plants, hiding-places among roots, space to swim and strong light. Water and substrate should be clean.


This is an oviparous species. The spawning takes place in previously prepared nest. Male builds bubble nest among floating plants on the water surface. Female lays up to 1000 eggs. The eggs hatch after around 1 day. Male takes care and protects the nest. you should remove female after spawning because male can attack her. The fry starts to swim and feed 3 days later. and you should remove male then.