Aquarium Inf

Breeding Banded Leporinus (Leporinus Fasciatus) In The Aquarium

banded leporinus Leporinus fasciatus
Wikipedia/Peter Halasz /GNU
GatunekBanded Leporinus
Nazywany teżBlack-Banded Leporinus
Nazwa łacińskaLeporinus Fasciatus
WystępowanieSouth America
Długość30 cm
Temperatura22 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH5.5 - 7.5
Zbiornik250 L
Pokarmplant, dry, frozen, live

Banded Leporinus (Leporinus Fasciatus)
Nazywany też: Black-Banded Leporinus


This freshwater fish lives in fast-moving tributaries of Amazon River with rocky bottom in Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname.

Body description

Body of the fish is fusiform. Colour of the body is yellow-beige with 10 transverse, black stripes. All fins are clear. The caudal fin is forked with sharpened tips. The fish has 2 protruding outside teeth. The fish often has red-orange dewlap. The young fish have only 5 dark stripes – each bar is divided into two every six months. This species is often confused with Leporinus affinis which has only 9 stripes and its caudal fin has rounded tips. There is no sexual dimorphism and the sex is difficult to distinguish.

Temperament and behaviour

This is very active and not too aggressive species. It becomes more aggressive with age and when it is kept in small aquarium. This species is territorial and it may live alone or in a group of 6 minimum. These fish often feed and rest with their head down. You should keep the fish with similar size species e.g. corydoras, botias, peaceful cichlids, barbs, danios, catfish.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers spacious tanks with length of minimum 60cm. Aquarium should include soft substrate, effective filtration system with fast flow, a lot of hiding-places among caves, roots, rocks and stones. All passes and grottoes should be appropriately large. The fish likes to eat algae and that is why you need flat surfaces in the tank. The aquarium should be covered because this fish may jump out of the aquarium. A partial water changes of around 50% every two weeks should be regularly done.


This is an oviparous species. We don’t have any information about breeding these fish in the aquarium. The fish lay eggs in a previously prepared nest. Fertilization is external. Male takes care and protects the roe. The fish reaches sexual maturity when they are around 15 cm long.