Aquarium Inf

Breeding Kenyi Cichlid (Maylandia Lombardoi) In The Aquarium

kenyi cichlid Maylandia lombardoi
GatunekKenyi Cichlid
Nazywany teżLombardoi Cichlid
Nazwa łacińskaMaylandia Lombardoi
Długość12 cm
Temperatura24 - 27°C
Twardość wodymedium hard - hard
pH7.5 - 8.5
Zbiornik160 L
Pokarmplant, dry, live, frozen

Kenyi Cichlid (Maylandia Lombardoi)
Nazywany też: Lombardoi Cichlid

Kenyi Cichlid, Lombardoi Cichlid, Kennyi Mbuna, Kenyi African Cichlid, Kenyi Mbuna Cichlid, Pseudotropheus lombardoi


This freshwater species is endemic to Lake Malawi in Africa. Its habitats are waters at a depth of about 10 meters, along the rocky coastline. Lombard cichlid belongs to the mbuna group.

External Appearance

The colors of males and females differ significantly. The male is yellow-orange, with barely visible (or none) vertical stripes. The female is blue with distinct, dark, vertical stripes, which also pass through her dorsal fin. In addition, the male has an oval, yellow, usually only one spot on his anal fin.


These are very aggressive fish and it does not matter how old they are. Males usually fight each other for dominance to the death. Therefore, they should not be kept in communal aquariums. We choose other cichlids from the mbuna group, which will have a similar size and temperament and which will defuse the tense atmosphere in the aquarium. The stocking is always composed with a predominance of females (2-3 for each male). A sexually mature male becomes territorial - he digs a hole in the substrate (usually under a stone) and guards its surroundings from intruders. Lombard cichlids are omnivores, but their diet should mainly consist of plant food. We avoid high-protein foods. This species is intelligent, curious, likes to dig in the substrate.


The aquarium should be spacious, with a sandy bottom, numerous hideouts among rocks, caves, crevices formed by stones, with free spaces for free swimming. The species is sensitive to water quality - effective filtration and systematic partial water changes are necessary.


This species is oviparous. Under the right conditions, fish can reproduce without intervention in a general tank. Such aquarium should be appropriately large, equipped with flat stones, open sand areas and numerous hiding places for females, with a pH=8.3, a temperature of about 26°C, and hard water. There should be at least 2-3 females for each male, it is important that all fish are approximately the same age. We stimulate fish to spawn by feeding them more plant food or larger and more frequent partial water changes. The male, before spawning, intensifies its colors. At this point, he can be very insistent towards the females - it doesn't matter to him whether the female is interested or ready to spawn. The encouraged female swims to the place chosen by the male and lays eggs in the hole dug by him earlier. Then she picks them up in her mouth, and the male fertilizes them. There is a bright, oval spot on his tail fin, which resembles an egg. The male swims in front of the female in such a way as to rub his anal fin against her mouth. The female, thinking it's caviar, tries to pick it up in her mouth, and the male at this moment fertilizes the already collected grains. The female keeps in her mouth about 10-40 eggs and during this period she often turns yellow. During this time she does not eat. If stressed or scared, she may abandon the eggs or even eat them, so she can be cautiously moved to a separate tank. After 28 days, fry begins to appear, which starts feeding. The female takes care of the fry for some time.