Aquarium Inf

Breeding Heterocharax Virgulatus (Heterocharax Virgulatus) In The Aquarium

heterocharax virgulatus heterocharax virgulatus
FishBase/© Peter and Martin Hoffmann
GatunekHeterocharax Virgulatus
Nazwa łacińskaHeterocharax Virgulatus
WystępowanieAmeryka Południowa
Długość4,0 - 5,0 cm
Temperatura23 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH5,5 - 7,5
Zbiornik60 L
Pokarmlive, frozen

Heterocharax Virgulatus (Heterocharax Virgulatus)


Freshwater fish species typically inhabit the clear rivers, basins, and streams native to the Amazon and Orinoco basins in Brazil and Venezuela under natural conditions.


Heterocharax virgulatus is characterized by its olive-gray body tone beautifully contrasted by its transparent fins. Two slender yet prominent blue stripes run along the sides of its body. The first stripe extends from beneath the gill covers to the base of the tail, mapping the lateral line. This stripe runs parallel to a second stripe, which curves beneath it and runs directly from the eye of the fish to the tail base. This part, stretching across the anal fin, is particularly noticeable. Notable features also include a fatty fin, a bifurcated tail, a broad and extended anal fin, an upwardly aimed mouth, sharp teeth, and large, dark eyes. The females are slightly larger than the males and have a rounder abdomen.

Behavioral Traits

Heterocharax virgulatus is a social species usually found in large groups of 6-8 individuals, which enhances their sense of safety and comfort. Despite their peaceful disposition, they are highly active. These fish can coexist peacefully in community aquariums with other smaller Characidae species and catfish. They primarily feed on insect larvae and tiny crustaceans in their natural habitat. However, housing them with shrimps in an aquarium is not recommended.

Aquarium Preferences

This species thrives in densely populated aquariums that offer plenty of hiding spaces within roots and branches. Addition of floating vegetation is beneficial. Subdued and scattered lighting is preferable, while the use of a dark substrate and decorative accessories can highlight the vibrant colors of this species. A robust water flow from the filter, ensuring a well-oxygenated environment, is crucial for the healthy growth and development of the fish.


Heterocharax virgulatus is an oviparous species. However, more detailed information about its breeding habits is currently unavailable.