Aquarium Inf

Breeding Dwarf Livebearer (Heterandria Formosa) In The Aquarium

dwarf livebearer Heterandria formosa
Wikipedia/Brian Gratwicke /CC BY 2.0
GatunekDwarf Livebearer
Nazywany teżLeast Killifish
Nazwa łacińskaHeterandria Formosa
Występowaniesouth-eastern part of the U.S.
Długość1,5 - 3 cm
Temperatura20 - 26°C
Twardość wodymedium hard
Zbiornik40 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Dwarf Livebearer (Heterandria Formosa)
Nazywany też: Least Killifish


This freshwater fish lives in a small reservoirs in California and Florida.

Body description

This is a very small fish. Body of the fish is elongated with small fins. Colour of the fish is from gray-silver to brown-yellow. There are a black, horizontal stripes on the sides of the fish body. Male is smaller than female. His first rays of the anal fin are transformed into gonopodium – copulatory organ.

Temperament and behaviour

These fish are undemanding. They may live in cool water with 15°C temperature. This fish likes to hide in plants and other hiding-places. It is omnivorous species. It eats inter alia algae, mosquito larvae and dry food.

Aquarium decoration

This is hard species which quickly adjusts to the new conditions of the environment. It tolerates a wide range of water pH and temperature. These fish will feel well in any type of tanks. They need free space to swim and a gentle filtration system.


This is a live bearer species. The gestation period of fish is a several weeks. The young occasionally are released over a longer period – from a few to several days. New fry may daily appear in the aquarium and it starts feeding straight away.