Aquarium Inf

Breeding January Tetra (Hemigrammus Hyanuary) In The Aquarium

january tetra Hemigrammus hyanuary
Wikipedia/Thomas Grafe, Schonheide (Thomnight) /CC BY-SA 2.0
GatunekJanuary Tetra
Nazywany teżGreen Neon
Nazwa łacińskaHemigrammus Hyanuary
WystępowanieSouth America
Długość4 cm
Temperatura23 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 7.5
Zbiornik80 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry highly fragmented

January Tetra (Hemigrammus Hyanuary)
Nazywany też: Green Neon


This freshwater species lives in tropical tributaries of Amazon River and tributaries of Brazil or Peru lakes.

Body description

Body of the fish is elongated and fusiform. Colour of the body is silvery-olive. There is opalescent yellow-green stripe along the lateral line. There is also a dark spot with opalescent gold border on the base of the caudal fin. Upper part of the iris is gold. Female is thicker and larger than male. Male's anal fin has visible hook shape.

Temperament and behaviour

This is peaceful and shoal species. It is stressed and shy when it is in small group. The fish is very active and not very demanding.

Aquarium decoration

These fish may be kept in Dutch style aquascape or general aquarium – with a lot of plants. The general tank should have dark substrate, dimmed light, floating plants, hiding-places among roots, caves, space to swim. Water should be clean and oxygen-rich. You need an effective filtration system (you may add some peat to the water or filter). A partial water exchange should be done regularly. This species is sensitive to water quality and diseases.


This is an oviparous species. You should breed these fish in a separate aquarium. Breeding tank should have soft water, slightly acidic pH and a bit higher temperature, dimmed light or without light, fine-leaved floating plants or fish hatchery, gentle but effective filtration system. You should separate males from females before spawning and you should feed them with plenty of live food. Then you transfer the most colourful male and the thickest female to the breeding tank in the evening. The fish should spawn next day in the afternoon or evening, after intense courtships. Female spreads 100-200 eggs in the water. You must immediately remove the parents after spawning. The eggs hatch after 1 day. The fry starts to swim and feed 5 days later. The roe and fry are sensitive to light and water quality.