Aquarium Inf

Breeding Plumed Lyretail (Fundulopanchax Filamentosus) In The Aquarium

plumed lyretail Fundulopanchax filamentosus
GatunekPlumed Lyretail
Nazwa łacińskaFundulopanchax Filamentosus
Rodzinaafrican rivulines
Długość5 cm
Temperatura20 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 7.0
Zbiornik50 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Plumed Lyretail (Fundulopanchax Filamentosus)


This species lives in coastal floodplains, wetlands, canals, shallow streams, seasonal reservoirs covered rain-forest in Togo, Benin and Nigeria.

Body description

Colour of the fish is variable and it depends on their habitat. Colour of the male is blue-olive. There are red-maroon dots on his head and upper fins. All his fins are blue. The anal fin and lower part of the caudal fin have horizontal, maroon-red stripe with blue border. Male’s rays of the anal and caudal fins are elongated. Female is less colourful and a bit smaller than male. Her fins are also rounded. This species often is confused with Fundulopanchax arnoldi. These two species have different colors of the caudal and anal fins.

Temperament and behaviour

This is peaceful fish. Males can be a bit aggressive towards each other in group when aquarium is too small. Males never fight to the death and they should not seriously hurt each other.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers a spacious tank with a lot of plants, floating plants, dimmed light, dark substrate with layer of peat, dark decorative elements, gentle filtration system. You must cover the aquarium so the fish does not jump out of the aquarium. A partial water exchange should be done regularly.


This is an oviparous species. You should breed these fish in a separate tank. Breeding aquarium should have water level around 2/3 of the aquarium height, soft water with pH=6.5-7.0, 24-27°C water temperature, small sponge filter with peat, peat substrate, cover. You don’t need light in this aquarium. You need to feed the fish with live food. You can stimulate the fish to breed through bigger partial water changes with use of fresh cooler water. The spawn lasts for around 1 week. Female lays eggs in the substrate every day. You should remove parents after spawning. Then you remove the peat substrate with eggs and you gently squeeze it to remove excess of water. The peat substrate should be damp and not dry. Then you put it in a container like plastic box or bag and you leave small hole to allow exchange of gases. You keep this container in the dark place in room temperature. The peat must be damp at all times. You put the peat with eggs in the previously prepared aquarium after 6-8 weeks – when you can see eyes in eggs. This tank should have low water level, 20°C water temperature. The larvae hatches in this aquarium for next few days. The fry immediately starts to swim and feed. You should increase the water level and temperature as the fry grows.