Aquarium Inf

Breeding Amiet's Lyretail (Fundulopanchax Amieti) In The Aquarium

amiet's lyretail Fundulopanchax amieti
Wikipedia/Cisamarc /CC BY-SA 3.0
GatunekAmiet's Lyretail
Nazwa łacińskaFundulopanchax Amieti
Rodzinaafrican rivulines
Długość7 cm
Temperatura22 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 7.0
Zbiornik50 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Amiet's Lyretail (Fundulopanchax Amieti)


This freshwater species lives in tributaries of Sanaga River, Nyong River, Wouri River and streams, swamps wetlands covered tropical forests in Cameroon.

Body description

Colour of the male body is blue-olive in the upper part and yellow in the lower part. The dorsal fin and upper part of the caudal fin are olive-blue. The lower fins and lower part of the caudal fin are yellow. The anal and caudal fins have red and blue borders. There are red dots which create horizontal stripes on the sides of the fish. Colour of the female is olive-beige with small, barely visible red dots. Female is smaller than male.

Temperament and behaviour

This is active, shy and peaceful species. You should keep these fish with similar size species like rasboras, dwarf cichlids, corydoras, catfish, small and peaceful species of characidae family. You should keep more females than males – for every male there should be 2-3 females. Males can be aggressive towards each other in small aquarium.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers a spacious tank. Aquarium should have a lot of plants, floating plants, dimmed light, space to swim, fine substrate with layer of peat. The tank should be covered because this fish can jump out of the aquarium. Filtration system should have gentle water flow. Partial water exchange should be done regularly.


This is an oviparous species. You should breed these fish in at least 10-15 Liter separate tank. Aquarium should have soft water with pH=6,0-6,5 and 22-24°C water temperature, small sponge filter, cover. You do not need light for it. You can breed the fish in 2 ways. The first method – you put in the breeding tank mops or floating plants. The second method – you put in the breeding aquarium peaty substrate. You feed the fish with plenty of live food 2-3 weeks before the spawning. Then you transfer single male and 2-3 females to the breeding tank. Fish spawn every day for around a week. Female lays several eggs daily. You should remove the parents after spawning. If you followed first method then you leave the breeding tank alone with 24°C water temperature. The roe is very sensitive to light and fungal infections, so you must check and remove rotten eggs every day (bad eggs are white with lints). The eggs hatch after 14-21 days and the fry immediately starts to swim and feed. Then you should do 10% partial water changes every day at the beginning. Later you can do 20-30% partial water changes every 2-3 days. If you followed the second method then remove the peat substrate with eggs and squeeze gently to remove excess of water. The peat substrate should be damp. Then you put it in container like plastic box or bag and you leave small hole to provide exchange of gases. You keep this container in the dark place in room temperature. The peat must be damp for all the time. You put the peat with eggs in the previously prepared aquarium after 4-5 weeks when you can see eyes in eggs. This tank should have low water level, 20°C water temperature. The larvae hatches in this aquarium for next few days. The fry immediately starts to swim and feed. You should increase the water level and temperature as the fry grows.