Aquarium Inf

Breeding Elegant Least Killifish (Neoheterandria Elegans) In The Aquarium

elegant least killifish Neoheterandria elegans
Wikipedia/Silvana Gericke /CC BY-SA 2.5
GatunekElegant Least Killifish
Nazywany teżElegant Neoheterandria
Nazwa łacińskaNeoheterandria Elegans
WystępowanieAmeryka Południowa
Długość2,0 - 2,5 cm
Temperatura24 - 28°C
Twardość wodymedium hard - hard
pH7.0 - 8.0
Zbiornik40 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Elegant Least Killifish (Neoheterandria Elegans)
Nazywany też: Elegant Neoheterandria

Elegant Least Killifish, Elegant Neoheterandria, Elegant Topminnow


The species is a freshwater, endemic type that, in natural conditions, inhabits the shallow and overgrown parts of the Rio Truando river and tributaries of the Rio Atrato river in Colombia.

External Appearance

The body of this tiny, pretty fish is yellow-olive, with a bright belly. On its sides, you can notice transverse, grayish stripes (from 6 to 9), which are clearly narrower at the front. Only the middle stripe is clearly black, on an intensely yellow background. Fins are transparent, with a delicate, blueish margin. The tail fin is rounded. The female is larger and definitely thicker in the abdominal parts. In males, the anal fin is transformed into a long gonopodium – a copulatory organ.


Due to its size, this is a shy and calm fish, which should be kept in a larger group of its own kind (fish form loose schools), in equal proportions of females and males. The fish does not compete for food with other species. Females may be more aggressive – especially during spawning. This species is recommended for nano type aquariums.


The fish prefer tanks heavily planted with vegetation and numerous hiding places, with open spaces for free swimming. Floating plants are beneficial for fry. These fish require clean water with a gentle flow, a sponge filter or another one with a secured outlet. Regular partial water changes are necessary.


The fish is viviparous. Fertilization is internal (sperm package is transferred directly to the oviduct), and the fish reproduce freely in a general aquarium. It is the male who tempts the female with his bright colors and spread fins, but she chooses the partner. Encourged, the female proceeds to copulate. The pregnancy period in the female lasts 30 days, while the development of offspring occurs in the process of “superfetation”. This means that fertilized eggs at different stages of development can be present in the female's oviduct during one reproductive period (in the oviduct in which a fertilized egg is already developing, another appears - as a result, subsequent fertilized eggs are of different ages and are at different stages of development). At the initial stage of embryo development, it is the female who provides its nutrition, until the next one appears. Then the "older" fetus uses its own yolk sac. After about a month, the eggs hatch inside the female's body, after which the female "gives birth" to the fry. Superfetation causes the fry to be released successively over the next two weeks – 1-3 young every 2-4 days. Parents do not take care of the offspring, but they should not eat the fry when they are properly fed. The fry, at the moment they appear, are very small - just 3-6 mm.