Aquarium Inf

Breeding Compressed Cichlid (Altolamprologus Compressiceps) In The Aquarium

compressed cichlid Altolamprologus compressiceps
Wikipedia/MidgleyDJ /CC BY-SA 2.5
GatunekCompressed Cichlid
Nazywany teżCompressiceps Cichlid
Nazwa łacińskaAltolamprologus Compressiceps
Długość10 - 12 cm
Temperatura24 - 27°C
Twardość wodymedium hard - hard
pH7.5 - 9.0
Zbiornik150 L
Pokarmlive, frozen

Compressed Cichlid (Altolamprologus Compressiceps)
Nazywany też: Compressiceps Cichlid

Compressed Cichlid, Compressiceps Cichlid, Goldhead Compressiceps, Lionhead Cichlid, Goldhead Cichlid, Altolamprologus Gold Head


It's a freshwater species, endemic to Lake Tanganyika in Africa. It inhabits habitats on the border of rocky shore and sandy substrate abundantly covered with snail shells.

External appearance

There are several color variations of this species, including yellow, black, yellow-black, red, black with red fins, green. The most popular variety has a yellowish head with light brown sides, which are marked with brown-black, transverse stripes. There is also a dark, diagonal stripe passing through the eye. The back part of its strongly laterally compressed body is dotted with matte light yellow spots. A distinctive feature of this species is the large head, large eyes, with the eyeballs turning almost 90°, fleshy lips, and upturned snout. This species is often mistaken for Altolamprologus calvus. The described species has a shorter jaw, and its mouth is directed upwards. The female is much smaller than the male. The male has more elongated fins and is more brightly colored compared to the female.


This fish is naturally a predator. Therefore, potential companions should be of appropriate size. Fry will also not be safe in the same aquarium. The species has interesting hunting behaviors. Altolamprologus compressiceps can be kept in the same aquarium with other species from Lake Tanganyika or Malawi. We should avoid companionship of shellfish, other species from the mbuna group and colorful variations of the same species (there will be crossbreeding). The fish can effectively defend itself against aggressive cichlids protecting their offspring - it bristles its thick scales, which have serrated edges. It is not aggressive itself, it is not particularly territorial and often hides for several weeks in available nooks after being introduced to the aquarium. Its behavior may deteriorate slightly during spawning. Then the dominant male can be dangerous for other males in the group, and with the females, he becomes very assertive. Fish should be kept in pairs or in groups.


The species prefers a spacious aquarium, which we configure as a Lake Tanganyika biotope, with rock stacks, cracks, caves, shells of the freshwater snail Neothauma tanganyicense, a sandy substrate, open spaces for free swimming and subdued lighting. The species is sensitive to the chemical composition of the water (especially nitrates) and its abrupt changes in parameters. Effective filtration, systematic replacement of part of the water and appropriate ventilation are necessary.


It's an oviparous species. It's best for pairs to pair themselves from a larger herd. Spawning takes place on a hard surface, in a hiding place (pot, shell, cave). The female lays up to 300 eggs, which the male fertilizes externally (he does not enter the hiding place), and then, fanning with his tail, he moves the sperm inside the hiding place. The female guards and cares directly for the eggs (airing the eggs with her tail), the male guards the territory. Larvae hatch after about 2 days, after another 7, the fry swims freely. Parental care ceases immediately when the fry swims out in search of food. After 25-35 days, the female is ready for another spawning.