Aquarium Inf

Breeding Butterfly Splitfin (Ameca Splendens) In The Aquarium

butterfly splitfin Ameca Splendens
GatunekButterfly Splitfin
Nazywany teżButterfly Goodeid
Nazwa łacińskaAmeca Splendens
WystępowanieSouth America
Długość8 - 9 cm
Temperatura22 - 28°C
Twardość wodymedium hard
pH7.0 - 8.0
Zbiornik120 L
Pokarmplant, dry, live, frozen

Butterfly Splitfin (Ameca Splendens)
Nazywany też: Butterfly Goodeid


This freshwater fish lives in streams, tributaries and rivers in the central-western part of Mexico. These reservoirs have clear waters, sandy-gravel substrate, stones covered with plenty of algae and a lot of plants.

Body description

Male colour is significantly different compared to the female when both are sexually matured. His body is silver-olive with visible, discontinuous black stripe along the lateral line. His fins are transparent-milky with delicate yellow-orange border. End of the caudal fin has wide black-yellow or black-orange stripes. Male has copulatory organ called andropodium which is formed from transformed and shortened front rays of the anal fin. The andropodium is separate from the anal fin. Male is also slightly smaller. Colour of the female is olive-yellow with many dark spots. Her fins are transparent-milky with spots.

Temperament and behaviour

This species is slightly aggressive, especially males are aggressive towards each other. They form hierarchy within their group. The dominant male is always the most colorful and he is distinguished by his stature. These fish are extremely voracious and fiercely compete for food what causes a large amount of excrement. This species should be kept in a species aquarium or a general tank with similar large, strong, active and hard fish like redtail splitfin, rainbow goodeid or dwarf cichlids from Central america. The butterfly splitfin is inquisitive, active and sociable. It should be kept in a group of 8 minimum making sure there is equal amount of males and females. These fish are hard and tolerate different condition of environment that is why they are recommended for the beginner aquarists.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers aquarium with a lot of plants from potamogeton genus, ceratophyllum genus, cryptocoryne genus, water hyacinth, java moss. Tank should also have gravel substrate, stones and rocks, space to swim. Aquarium should be equipped with effective filtration system. You must do a partial water changes at least once every two weeks. Water in the tank should be well-oxygenated, with medium water flow. This species is recommended for aquarists who struggle with plague of algae because it eats all kinds of algae: blue-green algae, filamentous algae, green algae and diatoms which are brown or golden algae.


This is viviparous fish which can breed in the general tank with a lot of plants without any problems. Female initiate contact and she performs the mating dance around male. Fertilization is internal. The fertilized female does not have characteristic dark pregnant-spot around her anus. The gestation period lasts 55-60 days. Quite large fry which measures 1-2 cm gradually appears in the aquarium after that time – around 3-25 young every time. The fry initially float just below the water surface and must feed them immediately. Parents do not take care and do not eat the fry. Female does not store male's sperm like other species of viviparous fish. Male is necessary to get more offspring.