Aquarium Inf

Breeding Mosquito Rasbora (Boraras Brigittae) In The Aquarium

mosquito rasbora Boraras brigittae
Wikipedia/VivienneHarper /CC BY-SA 3.0
GatunekMosquito Rasbora
Nazwa łacińskaBoraras Brigittae
Długość3 cm
Temperatura24 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft
pH5.0 - 7.0
Zbiornik40 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry highly fragmented

Mosquito Rasbora (Boraras Brigittae)


This freshwater species lives in reservoirs in Indonesia (in southern Borneo). It lives in 'black water' reservoirs: shallow, slow-flowing creeks and streams flowing through peat forests, wetlands with a lot of leaves, twigs and tannin. These waters are characterized by constant and relatively high decomposition of organic matter. These reservoirs have a lot of plants, they are covered by high equatorial trees and they have limited access to sunlight.

Body description

This is small species. Colour of the body is red-pink with light under-side. There is a characteristic, wedge-shaped, dark and irregular stripe (this stripe tapers towards the tail) on the sides of the fish. There is also whitish spot behind the gill covers. All fins are clear with red-black stripes. Male is smaller and more colourful than female. Female is thicker in the ventral parts compared to male.

Temperament and behaviour

This is shoal species. Fish prefers to live in a group of 10 minimum. These fish are peaceful, a bit shy towards other species. Males can be territorial during the spawning season but they are not aggressive.

Aquarium decoration

Group of these fish you should keep in minimum 30 litres aquarium. This tank should include dimmed light, a lot of plants, floating plants, hiding-places among roots, pots, sandy substrate and space to swim. You may add dry leaves of oak or beech to the water. Those leaves should be changed every few weeks or they can be left to completely decompose. You can also use tannin. Colour of the water should be similar to light tea so you may put peat in a net an emerge it in the water. You can only put fish to chemically stable water - all water parameters must be stable.


This is an oviparous species. Breeding these fish is an easy task. Males compete for females attention during the spawning season. They dance around each other, they come face to face or they trying to grab the rival's tail (they do not hurt themselves). Their colors are more intense in the time of spawning season. The winner encourages and lures female to the previously selected territory. The fish spawn among plants. Female lays eggs in moss or male turns her upside-down and she lays eggs on the leaves of plants. The fish always spawn in the morning for a few days. Female lays up to 50 eggs. The roe hatches after 2 days. The larvae hangs among plants. It starts to drift and swim 4 days later. The fry hides among plants. The parents do not take care for and do not protect the offspring.