Aquarium Inf

Breeding Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma Cacatuoides) In The Aquarium

cockatoo dwarf cichlid Apistogramma cacatuoides
Wikipedia/Redspider /GNU
GatunekCockatoo Dwarf Cichlid
Nazwa łacińskaApistogramma Cacatuoides
WystępowanieAmazon River Basin
Długość8 cm
Temperatura23 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH7,0 - 6,0
Zbiornik120 L
Pokarmlive, frozen

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma Cacatuoides)


This freshwater species lives in tropical and subtropical tributaries of Amazon River with sandy substrate.

Body description

There is several colour variants of the fish. This species has specific dorsal and caudal fins. Male’s dorsal fin has elongated first and last rays. These rays look like mo-hawk. Male’s caudal and anal fins have elongated external rays. Female is smaller and less colourful than male.

Temperament and behaviour

This is friendly and intelligent species. It is a bit aggressive and territorial towards own species during the spawning season. These fish digs in the substrate when they are looking for a hideout for they offspring.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers a spacious tank. Aquarium should include plants, soft substrate, a lot of hiding-places among caves, rocks, stones, pots or coconut shells. If you have small tank you should keep only single male and few (about 3) females. A partial water exchange should be done regularly. The fish prefers to swim in the middle and at the bottom water level.


This is an oviparous species. You can stimulate fish to spawn through bigger partial water changes, feeding with plenty of live food, increasing water temperature. The parents take care and protect the offspring. When they are ready to spawn, they give a signals to male. After spawning male is chased away by female. Females take care the roe and offspring, male protects the territory. The eggs hatch after 3 days. The fry starts to swim and feed several days later.