Aquarium Inf

Breeding Amapa Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Amapaensis) In The Aquarium

amapa tetra hyphessobrycon amapaensis
FishBase/© Peter and Martin Hoffmann
GatunekAmapa Tetra
Nazwa łacińskaHyphessobrycon Amapaensis
WystępowanieAmeryka Południowa
Długość2,5 - 3,0 cm
Temperatura23 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH5,5 - 7,0
Zbiornik60 L

Amapa Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Amapaensis)

Amapa Tetra


A freshwater, endemic species that naturally inhabits small streams and rivers with sandy-gravel substrates in the state of Amapa in the northeastern part of Brazil.

External appearance

Hyphessobrycon amapaensis is characterized by an olive-gray body color with transparent-yellowish/transparent-orange fins (weak pigmentation only on the first rays of the dorsal and anal fins, on the outer rays of the caudal fin). The hallmark of this fish are three strips clinging to each other, running along the sides of its body, along the lateral line: a thick red, white-gold and a narrow black, with the black one being only visible in the first part and gradually narrows the closer to the base of the tail. The first two also pass through the eye of the fish. The species has an adipose fin, a forked tail, a wide and long anal fin, an upward-pointing mouth, and a black iris. The species is often confused with the three-striped Hyphessobrycon – the main difference between the two species is that in Hyphessobrycon amapaensis, the red stripe is wider than the black and dominates in coloration, whereas in the three-striped Hyphessobrycon (Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus) the black stripe is wider than the red and is primarily noticeable. The female is slightly larger and fuller in the abdominal parts compared to the male.


A schooling species that prefers large fish groups – a minimum of 6-8 individuals. Calm and quiet fish that can be easily kept in a community aquarium. A species recommended for beginner aquarists.


Fish prefer well-planted tanks, with numerous hiding places but also free space for free swimming. The light should be diffuse - this is facilitated by floating plants. Dark substrate and decorative elements highlight the magnificent colors of this species. The water should be well oxygenated, with moderate flow.


An oviparous species that prefers to breed in soft and acidic water, at a temperature of about 27ºC. It is best to breed fish in a separate, breeding aquarium with clumps of plants with small and soft leaves. Before spawning itself, it is recommended to separate males and females for 3 weeks and feed them abundantly with live food. After this period, we transfer a group of fish to a breeding aquarium in the evening. If spawning does not occur within 3-4 days, another group of fish should be chosen. The female lays about 300 eggs among the plants. Parents do not care for offspring and should be immediately removed after laying the eggs – they eat eggs and fry. Eggs are sensitive to light. The fry hatches after 1-1.5 days.