Aquarium Inf

Breeding Albino Corydoras (Corydoras Aeneus F ) In The Aquarium

albino corydoras Corydoras aeneus f
GatunekAlbino Corydoras
Nazwa łacińskaCorydoras Aeneus F
WystępowanieSouth America
Długość6 cm
Temperatura20 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
pH6.5 - 7.5
Zbiornik60 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry, plant

Albino Corydoras (Corydoras Aeneus F )


This freshwater fish is a variant of the bronze corydoras (the bronze catfish). It lives in tributaries of Amazon River in Brazil.

Body description

Colour of the body is white-pink with delicate shine. The iris of the eye is red. The fish doesn’t have scales. It has defensive bony plates known as scutes. The first rays of the pectoral fins are transformed into spikes. This is air breathing species and it must surface for air. It can breathe the atmospheric air with help of the intestine organ. It draws air in trough its mouth. This air is absorbed through the intestine and any excess is expelled through the special vent. Female is thicker and larger than male. Male has high and sharply ended dorsal fin.

Temperament and behaviour

This fish prefers to swim at the bottom water level but it can vigorously swim to the water surface if it needs to get some atmospheric air. This is bottom feeding species and it rummages the substrate when looking for food. This is an active, peaceful, friendly, inquisitive and shoal fish. It prefers to live in a larger group but you should keep more males than females. These fish may be kept in a general tank with other corydoras, angelfish, small gouramies, neon tetras, swordtails, hatchetfish and pencilfish.

Aquarium decoration

This fish prefers a spacious tanks which is longer than higher. Aquarium should have soft substrate (sand or fine gravel), dimmed light, a lot of hiding-places among roots, caves. You should systematically clean the substrate because fish have very sensitive barbels which may get infection or it may get ill.


This is an oviparous species which can spontaneously breed in group. If you want to increase the effectiveness of the breeding you should breed the fish in a separate tank. You need single female and few males. You can stimulate fish to spawn through bigger partial water changes using colder water (about 50-70% of water every day for few days) which will imitate the rainy season. Insemination takes place in a characteristic "T-position". Female lays portion of eggs to her pectoral fins. Male releases sperm to her mouth. Female expels this sperm and fertilizes eggs in her pectoral fins. She swims away and deposits the eggs in previously prepared hideout. The process repeats until female lays all eggs. You should remove the parents after spawning. The eggs hatch after 4 days. The fry starts to swim and feed 4-5 days later. The offspring are sensitive to water conditions.