Aquarium Inf

Growing Salvinia Auriculata (Salvinia Auriculata) In The Aquarium

salvinia auriculata Salvinia auriculata
GatunekSalvinia Auriculata
Nazwa łacińskaSalvinia Auriculata
Długość2 cm
Temperatura18 - 25°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
Podłożefloating plant

Salvinia Auriculata (Salvinia Auriculata)

Natural habitats this species are tropical bends of rivers, ditches and lakes in South America.

Its leaves are green-whitish, round or oval with fine hairs. These leaves develop in pairs on the thin and slender leaf stems. The first pair floats on the water surface, the second pair is completely submerged. The plant has feathery roots. There is lot of variants this species which differ each other shape, size and structure of their leaves.

This species grows quickly in optimal conditions. We should be careful because it is invasive plant and it can very quickly cover whole water surface. Then it doesn't pass light into the aquarium and it limits gas exchange on the water surface. This plant needs strong lighting - particularly preferred is the sun; special microclimate above the water surface (we should have covered aquarium); gentle water flow. This species is sensitive to condensing water vapor on its leaf surface.

In aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by dividing the side shoots.