Aquarium Inf

Growing Crystalwort (Riccia Fluitans) In The Aquarium

crystalwort Riccia fluitans
Wikipedia/Lukas3 /CC BY 2.5
Nazwa łacińskaRiccia Fluitans
Długość5 cm
Temperatura16 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
Podłożefloating plant

Crystalwort (Riccia Fluitans)

Natural habitats this plant are subtropical, temperate and tropical, shallow standing or slow-moving reservoirs around the world. It floats on the water surface, it can also grow completely submerged attached to other plants or objects.

It doesn't have stem. It creates thallus which freely grows on the principle of the chain. The plant grows primarily horizontally. "Stalk" is heavily branched on its tips. The species is intense green.

It very quickly adjusts to a new water conditions. It can also grow in aquarium without a heater. Optimal conditions are water temperature above 21°C, neutral or alkaline pH, soft water hardness, strong lighting. The species grows very quickly in optimal conditions and it can completely cover the water surface (when we use it as floating plant). Then it doesn't pass light into the aquarium and it limits gas exchange on the water surface.

This species is recommended for breeding aquarium - for oviparous and livebearer fish. This plant is also a great hideout for larvae and fry which swim just under the water surface. We can also arrange this plant on the decorative elements, e.g. root, rock.

In aquarium we reproduce it by dividing the thallus.