Aquarium Inf

Growing Stargrass (Heteranthera Zosterifolia) In The Aquarium

stargrass Heteranthera zosterifolia
Wikimedia/Daderot /CC0 1.0
Nazwa łacińskaHeteranthera Zosterifolia
Długość40 cm
Temperatura20 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
Podłożeany with the addition of clay

Stargrass (Heteranthera Zosterifolia)

Natural habitats this species are tropical and temperate swamps, wetlands, floodplains and temporary freshwater reservoirs. It comes from South America but it is around the world at present.

This plant has delicate stem with narrow, arranged in pairs opposite each other, green and acicular (needle shaped) leaves. Wild form of the plant has also floating, ovate leaves which develop on leaf stems.

This plant should be planted in the middle or at the back of the aquarium in groups of several pieces.

This is relatively easy to grow and hardy to environmental changes species. It needs substrate with addition of minerals and nutrients. We must systematic cut this plant in too small aquarium.

This is spermatophyte species and it can bloom in aquarium too. The blue and fine flowers develop on the flower stalks above the water surface. In aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by seedlings from cut stems.