Aquarium Inf

Growing East Asian Yellow Water Lily (Nuphar Japonicum) In The Aquarium

east asian yellow water lily Nuphar japonicum
Wikimedia/Yoko Nekonomania /CCA 2.0
GatunekEast Asian Yellow Water Lily
Nazywany teżJapanese Pond Lily
Nazwa łacińskaNuphar Japonicum
Długość20 - 80 cm
Temperatura15 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard

East Asian Yellow Water Lily (Nuphar Japonicum)
Nazywany też: Japanese Pond Lily

East Asian Yellow Water Lily, Japanese Pond Lily, Japanese Yellow Water Lily, Spatter-dock, Cow Lily

The Japanese Aponogeton is a water plant that can be found in its natural conditions in swamps, wetlands, ponds, lakes, or slowly flowing streams in Japan and the Korean Peninsula.

This species produces broad, underwater and above-water leaves from a creeping rhizome. The underwater leaves are light green, slightly transparent, with a darker margin on their creased edges. These leaves are arrow-shaped, with a pronounced vein, growing on strong, vertical petioles. The above-water leaves are dark green, shiny, and hard - the plant blooms after they appear.

Due to its size, this plant is suitable for large aquariums, where it should be planted in the middle or on the sides of the tank. Remember not to bury its rhizome completely - it will rot.

This is a low maintenance plant when it comes to water parameters - the only parameter to be observed is light - the more, the better. It grows quickly in optimal conditions. Additional carbon dioxide fertilization is not mandatory but recommended. The Japanese Aponogeton is resistant to algae attacks. Due to the good condition of the plant, above-water leaves should be systematically removed.

This is a seed plant (single yellow flowers), where the flowers develop above the water surface. Each flower has both male and female organs (bisexuality), but self-pollination does not occur here - insects or human intervention (brushing) are needed for this. In the aquarium, we can propagate it from seeds (place mature seeds in moist soil) or vegetatively - by dividing the rhizome.