Aquarium Inf

Growing Aponogeton Rigidifoliu (Aponogeton Rigidifolius) In The Aquarium

aponogeton rigidifoliu Aponogeton rigidifolius
GatunekAponogeton Rigidifoliu
Nazwa łacińskaAponogeton Rigidifolius
Długość40 cm
Temperatura22 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
Podłożefertile with addition of clay or peat

Aponogeton Rigidifoliu (Aponogeton Rigidifolius)

This is an aquatic plant and it comes from Sri Lanka. Its natural habitats are sandy bottoms of fast-moving and deep streams and rivers.

This plant has elongated and creeping rhizome and it is about 1 cm thick. The plant has rosulate leaves with sinuate margins on long leaf stems. The leaf blades are lanceolate with pointed tips. Colour of the leaves is variable and it depends on age of the plant and water conditions. This colour can be from reddish, green to rusty-brown.

This is hardy species - it can be planted in aquarium with snails or herbivorous fish. The plant grows slowly in aquarium. We can speed up the process by adding fertilizer to the substrate, e.g. iron.

This species should be singly planted in the middle or at the back of the aquarium near the outlet of the filter. It prefers fast water flow. Width of the plant is about 30 cm. This plant doesn't need to go dormant or periods of the rest.

This is spermatophyte plant but in aquarium it almost doesn't bloom. We reproduce it vegetatively - by dividing the rhizome.