Aquarium Inf

Breeding Simon's Shrimp (Caridina Simoni Simoni) In The Aquarium

simon's shrimp Caridina simoni simoni
Wikipedia/DirkBlankenhaus /GNU
GatunekSimon's Shrimp
Nazywany teżSimon's Caridina Shrimp
Nazwa łacińskaCaridina Simoni Simoni
Długość2,5 cm
Temperatura20 - 30°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6,5 - 7,8
Zbiornik40 L

Simon's Shrimp (Caridina Simoni Simoni)
Nazywany też: Simon's Caridina Shrimp

Simon's Shrimp, Simon's Caridina Shrimp


In natural conditions, it inhabits shallow standing and flowing waters of Sri Lanka and India. Their natural habitats are rich in vegetation. A freshwater species.


Caridina simoni simoni shrimp is characterized by a transparent body with a slight brownish, pale orange, or yellowish hue - tiny colorful dots, which are most visible on the shrimp's head, back, and abdomen. On the sides, it has short, oblique but distinct brown or red stripes. Eyes, antennules, and antenna are golden. The female is slightly larger than the male, more colorful, and once maturity is reached, you can observe a saddle on her - a dark spot right behind the head (these are visible green eggs, ready for fertilization). It is one of the subspecies of Caridina simoni, although the taxonomy of this species has not yet been finally classified.


They are calm, active, easy-to-keep shrimp that enjoy swimming in open water. They prefer to live in a larger group of their own species. They can be kept with other shrimps. However, due to their size, we should avoid fish.


The aquarium decor should provide Caridina simoni simoni shrimp with numerous hiding places among plants, roots, and rocks. A tight aquarium cover is necessary. Shrimp are sensitive to nitrogen compounds and chlorine in the water.


Shrimp reproduce in fresh, slightly acidic, and soft water. The laid and fertilized eggs (about 30 pieces) are held by the female under her abdomen for about 3 weeks. After this period, large larvae hatch, in an advanced stage of development, which settle on the substrate or other decorative elements until they metamorphose into adult shrimp. They then start feeding. Pay attention to other shrimp of the Caridina genus - they can crossbreed.