Aquarium Inf

Breeding Caridina Dennerli (Caridina Dennerli) In The Aquarium

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caridina dennerli Caridina dennerli
Wikipedia/DirkBlankenhaus /GNU
GatunekCaridina Dennerli
Nazywany teżCardinal Shrimp
Nazwa łacińskaCaridina Dennerli
Długość2,5 cm
Temperatura26 - 30°C
Twardość wodyhard
pH7,5 - 8,5
Zbiornik40 L

Caridina Dennerli (Caridina Dennerli)
Nazywany też: Cardinal Shrimp


A freshwater species, endemic to the small, tectonic Lake Matana located in Sulawesi (Celebes) - on the Indonesian island in the Pacific Ocean. Their natural habitats are shallow waters (about 10 meters deep) rich in rocks, stones and gravel. The water in the lake is characterized by good oxygenation, a temperature range of 27-31ºC and pH=7.4.


The color scale of the shrimp varies from deep red (burgundy) to lighter shades of this color. Color in no case indicates the health status, well-being or sex of the shrimp. The characteristic sign of this species are small white dots spread all over the shell and white first two pairs of limbs with claws. It is not easy to distinguish the sexes of shrimp. A mature female has a saddle - a dark spot just behind the head (these are visible eggs, ready to be fertilized). However, the saddle is not always visible to the naked eye due to the color of the shrimp.


Very active shrimp, which practically forage all the time on algae and organic residues covering the bottom of the tank, stones or aquarium glass. A peaceful species that can be easily kept with other shrimps, snails or small fish species from Sulawesi. They prefer larger groups of their own species. Avoid overfeeding the shrimp - one meal a day is enough for them.


The aquarium should have a sandy or gravelly, soft substrate, lots of stones creating grottoes and caves, having flat extensive planes, which are covered with algae and which are the place for shrimp to feed. Planting in the form of grasses is also indicated. The tank should also be tightly covered to prevent unwanted escapes. The light should not be strong, it should also be diffused. Cardinal shrimp are very sensitive to sudden drops in water temperature - a temperature below 26ºC can cause their death. Place them only in fully mature tanks - cardinals are extremely sensitive to nitrogen compounds. This species is recommended for breeding only to experienced aquarists due to the water requirements.


The shrimps reproduce in fresh water. Shrimps do not go through a larval period. The female collects 10-15 eggs under the abdomen and keeps them there until the hatching of small, fully developed shrimps - about 20-30 days. The youngsters immediately have the same coloration as adult shrimps and start foraging.