Aquarium Inf

Florida Crayfish (Procambarus Alleni)

florida crayfish Procambarus alleni
GatunekFlorida Crayfish
Nazywany teżElectric Blue Crayfish
Nazwa łacińskaProcambarus Alleni
Długość10 cm
Temperatura20 - 26°C
Twardość wodymedium hard - hard

Florida Crayfish (Procambarus Alleni)
Nazywany też: Electric Blue Crayfish

Florida Crayfish, Electric Blue Crayfish, Everglades Crayfish, Sapphire Crayfish, Blue Florida Crayfish, Painted Crayfish, Allen's Crayfish


This cancer naturally inhabits marshes, ditches, lakes, ponds, floodplains, and wetlands on the Florida peninsula.

External appearance

This crustacean in nature is brownish-blue in colour. Two colour varieties are available in aquariums - purely blue and white. They have a rough shell, and elongated and narrow pincers. Males and females are distinguished by looking at their bellies. The female has a clearly visible seminal vesicle located centrally between the 4th and 5th walking legs. She also has smaller pincers. On the other hand, the male can be recognised by the transformed first two pairs of abdominal legs, which converge and point parallel towards the belly.


These are typical nocturnal animals, which hide in their burrows during the day - mostly in prepared holes under stones, roots or other decorative elements (so remember to attach them firmly). They are solitary, except during the breeding season. They are territorial and quite aggressive - especially towards their own species. They nibble on plants, prey on fish - but they are quite slow. With adequate space, they can be kept with fast and agile species. Avoid bottom-dwelling fish and those with extended fins.


The most important criterion for crayfish is the surface of the tank bottom - the bigger, the better. The second important thing is to provide them with an adequate amount of hiding places - especially when kept with other animals or in larger groups. These must be prepared so that they are invisible to each other and divided into zones. We use stones, rocks, caves, PVC pipes, wooden (e.g. bamboo), ceramic, coconut shell, roots and sticks, etc. to build them. Here, we must take into account the size of animals - so that they do not get stuck. Properly selected equipment colours allow highlighting and intensifying the colour of the inhabitants. Thirdly, these crustaceans require oxygenated water to live. Crayfish have gills and do not breath atmospheric air. Indeed, they can live on dry land, but only until their gills are moist. From an aquarium lacking oxygen, the crayfish will try to escape (a tight tank cover is necessary). Crayfish prefer to stay in murky waters, but that doesn't mean the water has to be dirty. These animals are sensitive to the presence of ammonia and nitrites. Therefore, effective filtration and regular water changes are required. The lighting should not be too intense, preferably diffused. When choosing a substrate, use those with gentle, rounded edges. From time to time, we put dry oak, beech or almond leaves and dried alder cones on the bottom of the tank (essential components of the crayfish diet).


These crayfish reproduce practically all year round, after reaching sexual maturity (usually once they reach a size of 6-7 cm). The reproductive procedure does not differ from the classic scheme. The female carries eggs under her abdomen and takes care of the offspring for about a month.


They are omnivores. The most important rule when feeding them is: the food should be varied and should fall to the bottom. It can be dry, frozen, or live, both plant and animal. It seems that they prefer dead plant residues, green vegetables (spinach, lettuce, peas), worms, and mosquito larvae.